Museum research is often geared to the materials found and provides a fundamental contribution for numerous study projects. In addition to the archaeological methods, scientific analytic processes are applied here.
One of the Archaeological Museum Schloss Gottorf’s research focuses is on non-destructive or minor-destructive analytical material examinations. Individual cooperation with well-known archaeological research centres and innovative research associations enables us to participate in current developments and also to integrate our competences in international collaboration networks.
Year-long research excavations, for example in Haithabu or the Slavic Centre Starigard/Oldenburg as well as research projects on Stone Age settlements provided complex information and large quantities of findings whose management in the meantime has become a central question of sustainable research.
For this, we cooperate closely with the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology on the development of three-dimensional linkage of geometrical and factual information in geographic information systems as a central key element. Also, internationally geared conventions are held on specific research questions.